
Have a thought or suggestion about the Run-to-the-Top? Tell us here! We listen to you and do our best to implement improvements that are in the best interest of all.

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39 entries.
Lorenzo Rossi Lorenzo Rossi from Los Angeles, CA wrote on September 11, 2019 at 3:03 am
I have been competing in the Run2Top every year since 2009, including 2011, when it was canceled after the start. I enjoy the event and appreciate the efforts of the organizers.

I would like future editions to get more minimalist in terms of race perks. I would definitely not give away any finisher medal and instead print a nicer bib with participant's name, race's distance, elevation gain and logo. The bib would make for a cooler and lighter memory of the experience and would be also an incentive for an early registration.

I would also make the T-shirt optional. Maybe, have a cool T-shirt without year specification that can be purchased for an extra fee at registration across multiple editions.

Thank you,
Nick Mastrodemos Nick Mastrodemos wrote on September 8, 2019 at 9:04 pm
Wonderful race and very nice volunteers. Will be running it for years to come.
Please consider including a technical shirt instead of cotton. I have seen many runners out there using proudly last year's RTTT shirts while training but a cotton shirt is hard to use for running.
Laura Laura from Minneapolis wrote on September 7, 2019 at 10:49 pm
Thanks for putting on such a fun race! I'll definitely be back. As a number of others have also suggested, it would be great if you could use a more environmentally-friendly cup. Here in Minnesota and elsewhere, some trail races are moving not from styrofoam to paper cups, but from paper cups to a "bring your own cup or container and we'll refill it" model. It's something to consider. Thanks again for putting on such a great race!
Phyllis Phyllis from Riverside wrote on September 4, 2019 at 3:41 pm
This race was tough yet so rewarding. Beautiful scenery, which I didn't have the luxury the enjoy while going up. Thankfully, I revisited it by running back down. I expected it to be a smaller race and didn't expect 500+ people to show up! However, the race retains the "small race feel" like an annual reunion of sort. I'll definitely be back!
Thank you wonderful volunteers, first responders, and race organizers/directors.
ERICA HAWKES ERICA HAWKES from IRVINE wrote on September 3, 2019 at 3:09 pm
Great race! Well organized, super volunteers! It is worth every grueling mile!
Howard Kern Howard Kern from Westlake Village wrote on September 3, 2019 at 2:55 pm
Great time! Really appreciate the volunteer support.

Just a few items:

1. Can the race start a little bit earlier? Maybe 7 or 7:30 am? It’s a long run up and then back down and we got lucky with the cloud cover this time in my opinion.

2. The t-shirts weren’t running shirts. This is a ‘show off’ race and I wanted one to wear at other races. I’d be willing to pay more for a true running t-shirt.

3. The styrofoam cups at the water stations were a bit of an ecological disappointment. We’re running in an awesome environment and we should respect that by not having such an impactful cup. Paper would be so much better for the race and environment.

Thank you for ALL of the hard work! I plan on repeating this next year and hopefully beating my time from this one!
Rodrigo flores Rodrigo flores from Huntington Beach ca wrote on September 3, 2019 at 5:03 am
Super cool event great people nice vibes beautiful views coming back next year for sure
Jose Martinez Jose Martinez from Santa Ana wrote on September 3, 2019 at 3:10 am
Today was my 8th consecutive year up the mountain. Great race as always. Noticed more Search and Rescue staff standing by and it was a welcome sight. Thank you for this great event.
Den Crispin Den Crispin from Thousand Oaks wrote on July 20, 2019 at 6:34 pm
Hi Tracy and Admin, Just a thought, as many participants are can-doers it might be good to ask each of the training runners who run the course as well as the participants this year to carefully remove, say, 5 of the half loaf of bread sized loose rocks from the trail on the way down. Gently set them to the side of the trail. If we all did this the trail would be almost clear. Thanks and have a good one this year. Den
Suzanne Suzanne wrote on September 14, 2018 at 3:30 am
This was my first attempt at RTTT, and I loved it So much fun. The volunteers were amazing and fellow runners offered terrific support along the way. This was really well organized I'll be back for sure
Admin Reply by: Tracy
So glad that you had a good time, Suzanne.
Jeffrey Dinkin Jeffrey Dinkin from PALM SPRINGS wrote on September 14, 2018 at 12:10 am
Great event, as all 7 (in a row) of my Run2Top races have been. Grueling, but fun. Interesting shirt design this year. I've had more than a few people tell me it resembled the Poop emoticon on social media. Hmmm. Haha!

One of my gripes in recent years has been paying $15 to purchase a lift ticket. Generally, those things are round trip, but those of us who race don't need the up portion, just the trip back down the the parking lot. I know some of the badasses like to run back down, but many of us are tired and beat up from the 7 miles up, and the 3 1/2 miles back down to the notch. The first few years I did the race, the ride down was included in the entry. I'd like to see that again, or at least make it an option to purchase with the race entry, but at a reduced (half price) fee.

Thanks again for hosting an awesome event!
Admin Reply by: Tracy
Hi Jeffrey,

Regarding the lift ticket; the Ski Lifts provides a 20% discount for buying online and they add a 5% discount with the race promo code. 25% is decent. That's the best that can be done.
Craig Kinard Craig Kinard from Pasadena wrote on September 9, 2017 at 4:32 am
I had a blast! Although most of the blast was about 15 minutes after I got to the top . . . and a "real" blast from the wind--that was epic!!! I finished second in 65-69, and loved the challenge--I was under 2 hours, and fought for that. Congratulations on a great race, great medal (don't let ANYONE tell you to do pre-engraving), great shirt, great food and beer at the notch, and great people everywhere up there. I might even ski at Baldy this season! LOL
Craig Kinard Craig Kinard from Pasadena wrote on September 9, 2017 at 4:27 am
Dear Tracy,

You and all your volunteers conducted a GREAT race! I've run it three times (one canned because of thunderstorms), and I've loved every one . . . even if the "love" came a couple hours after climbing the slopes just above the Notch! LOL

Your age group medals are great (I have two now, both in over 60 category); I have absolutely NO problem engraving the back for the actual year of race and my time. Don't let anyone force you to spend money to do any engraving!!!!!! If you can't afford to engrave your own medal, you should stay home!

But, back to congratulations! You did a great job. I hope to be back next year, by which time I will have forgotten all the pain. I hope I can stay under 2 hours . . .

Craig Kinard
Francis Farmer Francis Farmer from Banning wrote on September 9, 2017 at 1:00 am
A big thank you to organizers and volunteers for a great experience running Mt Baldy. See you again next year!
Marcus Marcus from San Diego wrote on September 8, 2017 at 1:33 pm
The Run to the Top is awesome. I think all trail runners in Southern California should run this as a rite of passage. Very unique event and excellent work year after year by the Forest service, Mountain rescue, and the volunteers. The one thing that bugs me is the cost of the lift - $15 to ride down is crazy! Sure, I can run down no problem but - it's more for the spectators that have hiked to the top. I'm sure some of the $72 registration can go towards a discount on the lift? Bringing a lot of business to the mountain that day. Just a thought.
Admin Reply by: Tracy
I'm sorry that I overlooked your post last year. Thank you for your kind words. Regarding the lift ride down; the Ski Lifts provides a 20% discount for buying online and they add a 5% discount with the race promo code. 25% is decent. That's the best that can be done.
Mac McIntosh Mac McIntosh from Los Angeles wrote on September 5, 2017 at 8:46 pm
Thanks a million for putting on this race year after year. I had a blast, as always and it's always the most fun race on my calendar.

I agree that having biodegradable cups or making the race cup-less would be best. Thanks for considering that!

Per someone else's suggestion, I love the idea of having finishers shirts available at the notch, so that we could stay and enjoy the awards ceremony and stay warm (or protect our bare shoulders from sunburn!),

Thanks to Tracy and all of the volunteers that make this race what it is!
Admin Reply by: Tracy
Glad you had a good time, Lucia. We will consider cupless in the future.

Also, we're planning to give everyone a shirt next year. If it works out, there will be no registration deadline for shirts.

Note: the timing company had you listed as male so that was fixed today. That moved you to first place in your age division--the gold medal.
Theo Theo from Crestline wrote on September 5, 2017 at 3:57 pm
Kudos to a very well supported race! I had a great time and all your volunteers were very helpful and friendly. Why use styrofoam cups though?
Admin Reply by: Tracy
We will consider paper cups for 2018. (Did you notice that I had paper cups on the summit?)
Sergio Medina Sergio Medina from 1069 1/4 Las Tunas Dr. San Gabriel ca, 91776 wrote on September 5, 2017 at 2:33 pm
Had a great time at Mt. Baildy what a beautiful race!
Ali Rashidi Ali Rashidi from san diego wrote on September 5, 2017 at 12:02 am
Had a blast, thanks so much for putting on a phenomenal event! Any idea when results might be posted?
Admin Reply by: Tracy
The results are up on this Website on the Results page, and on the Ultra Website.
glenn jones glenn jones from indio CA wrote on May 15, 2017 at 4:11 pm
do you have a 5 K race? I seem to recall that you had one in the past.
Admin Reply by: Tracy
We had the 5K for the 50th annual celebration, and didn't continue. Someday, we may continue it, but not on Labor Day.